
Golden Boy

The book that I’m reading this quarter is called “Golden Boy”.  The main character Habo is bullied and neglected by some of his family because he’s albino. This story takes place in Africa. Habo’s father left the family after Habo was born. In the story Habo’s family moves are to Manzwana for more job opportunities. Habo’s oldest brother stays behind so he can make the family more money, instead of waiting to find work in Manzwana. On there way to Manzwana, Habo feels more and more out of place. His brother Chui acts as if they aren’t family and constantly is making fun of him. His sister Alsiri is always there for him no matter what. In Africa some believe that albinos are magical. They start to hunt Habo down, so they can sell his body parts for profit. Habo wishes he could have a normal life, and experience experience everything. Habo runs away from his family to get the experience of feeling free. He doesn’t want his skin tone to hinder him back anymore.

Dorothy Must Die POV

My book is told from first-person point of view. The story is told from Amy's point of view. She is the main character of the story and Dorothy's nemesis. Amy has sort of the same storyline as Dorothy. She was in a tornado, her house crashed into Oz, and she has to stop the evil ruler. I feel if it was told from Dorothy's point of view it would sound more vengeful and self centered. she would say something like "That girl cannot take me down, I will strip Oz if all its magic in order to defeat that knock off version of me !!!!" "She just wants my power, that can be the only reason she is here." "I'm beautiful and everybody adores me!!!" That's an example if her speech it will just be about her and not allot depth in the story line because it will just be about her. It's different with amy you learn about everybody story because she has to learn the reason why she is fighting for the people of Oz.  I just believe the narration would ...

The Lost Hero review

The Lost Hero is a Greek mythology based book. There are three main characters, Piper, Jason, and Leo. They go on this quest to save the world from Gaea the goddess of nature. You would think mother nature is one of the good guys but she is quite the opposite. Gaea plans to awaken the destroyer of the gods. Piper is  the daughter of Aphrodite, Jason is the son of Jupiter, and Leo Is the son of Hephaestus. As the quest goes on they almost die in every chapter. You should read this book if you’re into action and suspense I would absolutely recommend this book. Even if you don’t like books like that  this book will completely change your opinion. The author is so detailed in his writing and each chapter get you wondering what’s going to happen next. The characters are not two dimensional, they have depth and backgrounds. They have stories and meanings behind everyone. They each have struggles ( some more than others). The book has more of a story beyond quests and battles. The mo...

Lost Her: Piper POV

How am I supposed to save my father from the giants. I can't betray my friends, they are the reason I am alive still. "Piper what are you thinking about." Jason said. "Huh?" "Nothing important." I said back. He just continued talking to Leo. What will I do Im so lost, at times like this I wish i had my father with me. My thoughts were interrupted by..."Guys how much longer do we have to catch these Storm Spirits." Leo complained. "Until we have all of them so we can ask the north wind prince to answer all the questions we have about Hera's kidnapping." I replied. I have to admit I'm pretty tired maybe I can have a little nap. After awhile I start to dream Im in this fiery cave and my dad is tied up being held by something tall. Dream..            "You have to make a choice young hero." the tall figure said.              "I can't betray my friends. I can save my dad without betraying them!" I sa...

The Lost Hero: Leo

Leo son of Hephaestus Leo is one of the three main characters in the story. He and his best friends ( Piper and Jason) have been chosen to go to a special camp for demigods called Camp Half Blood. Leo is a foster child with a very special gift but his gift is the reason he is in foster care. When Leon's you're he found out he had this special power of making fire with his hands. A few years ago before he was in foster care  he decided to play with his new gift in his house. He couldn't control his power yet so when things got out of hand he didn't know what to and burned his house, he got out in time but his mother didn't. Every foster home he was in had had run away. He was on his way to Mexico but he got caught trying to wire a car and was sent to the same correction school as Piper and Jason. At camp there is a metal dragon that is loose and the only one that can control it is dead. All of the rest if Hephaestus except for leo want to destroy it but they can...


Hello my name is Hadassah I'm in the 8th grade and very intelligent. I'm hoping to go to Whitney Young, Lane Tech, or Disney. My favorite color is purple and turquoise but I like turquoise more. I've had four animals and two of them are still with me (we might get another one). I have five siblings (stepbrothers/sisters). My favorite food is tacos and Ramen Noodles with a lot of hot sauce. My mom says one day my stomach is going to get revenge for what I put in it but until that day I'm going to continue to eat 6 bags if hot Cheetos a day and Ramen Noodles with half a bottle of hot sauce in it. You might find this weird but i hate wasabi because its too hot and the color just scares me. My favorite game on my phone is Jelly Jump. That is the only reason other than Snapchat and Youtube that my phone stays on 20 or less percent. This is my little introduction about. I hope that you learned more about me. Bye